Friday, July 08, 2005

So Rich, Rich, Slugger

A dear friend of ours spent a bunch of money buying a huge box load of special treats for our family (not counting the cost of shipping). Nothing we couldn't live without, but we feel so blessed (tons of goldfish crackers for the kids, pancake syrup from home, low-carb snacks, Crystal Light peach tea, graham crackers, and lots of other goodies)! I pray God will pour out His generosity on the family who sent this!


Here's a website to make us all feel as wealthy as we really are. Click here. If you make only $20,000 US, you are in the top 10.02% richest people in the world. There are 5,398,344,113 people poorer than you. None of us like these little exercises do we? I know I'm farther up the ladder than just 10%. Just something to ponder. Do you feel guilt, too? Hate that feeling. Feel it all the time living here in one of the poorest regions of the world.


I've got shingles. AAUUGHH! The burning pain is like someone lighting a match and jabbing it into your skin (that's how the doctor I saw described it today). Got the meds I need and we're praying for relief and recovery. Oh, the doctor's first words when she saw my case: "well, that's not bad at all." Those with past experiences with shingles know the irritability...almost slugged her.

- Rockin' Randall


Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better! I am enjoying the updates.

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

Thanks for the perspective. When an executive at my company makes $7 million a year, what percentile is he in? HA