Thursday, November 06, 2008

Most Wonderful News!!!!

It is official! Andy and Jessica are engaged and our entire family
from the youngest to the oldest, is so excited!! This weekend we all gathered to share in this surprise!
Sam was even able to fly in from Virginia!
Here are a few pictures behind the scenes. We were hiding out at a city park with the kids
while Andy and Jessica were arriving at the ranch and 'getting ready for the first
deer hunt of the season!" As soon as they were out of sight, we headed to the ranch ourselves and started getting busy. The kids worked on signs to post out on the road to direct our guests and Becky, Sam, Randy, Tori, my mom and myself went to get the "scene" ready! We had so much fun!!

The following pictures show their return to the barn where they were
greeted by many many people. Most all of Jessica's family, including aunts
uncles, cousins, grandparents and even 2 of her roommates from ACU were there and of course all of us (Andy's family) as well!
We all gathered in the barn to hear them tell the story and then enjoyed a great meal together.

Remember to click on the pictures to make them larger.
Wedding date is yet to be announced, but I am sure it is coming soon.
Have I mentioned how happy we are? Jessica is the answer to very specific prayers
prayed over the course of Andy's life. Andy is our treasure and he has truly found a treasure.
We love Andy.
We love Jessica.
We love Them!!
If you want to actually hear them tell the story go here!


sj said...


Jan Kelley said...

Oh happy day, oh happy day when Andy fixed his choice on his Savior and His God. I remember seeing him be baptised. And now this day is another happy day, oh what a happy day when Andy fixed his choice on Jessica after all those who love him so dearly have prayed for him to be the type of man to attract a fine Christian girl to share his life with. God is so faithful. I am thrilled for both Andy and Jessica. I already love her too.
I sort of wish you would have said what you and Becky were doing with the camera and the ice chest and the hiding behind the rock. I have a feeling that this was something pivotal to the event. Once again, I am thrilled for Andy and for the Jeffrey clan and for the kingdom of God. and the Cardwell family too. love jk

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

That's fun and thanks for sending us to Sam's blog for the video. It was fun to hear them tell the story.

We look forward to getting to know Jessica better. We are proud of Andy and can't wait to the wedding!