Saturday, September 03, 2005

Final Ladies Class (Fri)

(Post composed by Kelly on Friday evening)

Another great day with Ronnie and Judy…..This morning began with them making us breakfast! What a treat. We had delicious breakfast burritos. The morning passed quickly entertaining kids and feeding babies.

Then around 2 PM, we left Timothy, Jonathan, and Lael with Randy and Ronnie, and Judy, Tori, and I left for the final women’s meeting in the village of Dekpo. We started our meeting earlier today because we had arranged for us all to share a meal together in celebration of the completion of our study. There was definitely a sense of excitement in the air. Singing, dancing, and laughter characterized this last day of our study through the book of John. Many of the women were able to repeat memory verses from all of our previous lessons and everyone was able to repeat John 3:16 which they had memorized just last week.

At least 30 women have attended regularly these meetings over the last 3 months. They were all there today, along with 7 men and around 50 children. Several have been baptized over the course of this time.

We returned home to find happy kids with Ronnie and Randy and the wonderful aroma of Ronnie’s hamburgers filling the house.

It was a great day. Here are some pictures.

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