"Your children only get one childhood, make it memorable!!"
I have this quote in a place where I see it every day.
It is important for me to remember as the days pass faster and faster.
We have experienced so much in the past few weeks and I do have pictures of it all, most of them I have uploaded to Facebook...
We have celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday, been with Sam and Emille and their 3 great kids..which means all 4 Jeffrey kids were together for the first time in a LONG time...spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Baird with my parents and Randy's parents, having a great time, then returned late Saturday night and spent Sunday unpacking and decorating the house for Christmas...my kids are sick with ear infections and strep throat but in happy spirits with the Christmas decor around the house..I love that!
There have been lots of ups (in the previous paragraph I listed the ups) and downs (those are not as easy to list out) this past month...tears, anxieties and laughter too...I am so thankful to know that our lives are in the Lord's hands...we press on one day at a time in trusting faith...and we find peace...
One year ago today, Tori was baptized...she is growing in her understanding of who God is...may her desire to know him forever increase...He is everything...
13 years ago tomorrow I married the man of my dreams...it was the 2nd most important decision of my life...it was perhaps the absolute most peaceful, joyful day of my life...I woke up with a deep feeling inside that on this day, December 2, 1995, I was doing the right thing...it is a profound moment for me to consider all the Lord has done in our lives together since that day...it has been rich and wonderful, full of challenge and adventure and it certainly excites me as I look ahead. I love thinking of the days and moments to come at Randy's side...He is a great man.
Lead us on Lord.
As you go about your days...
Treasure Life.
Happy 13 years with Randy! What a great day that was....and that great day has lead to 13 great years! May the blessings continue to abound!
Sure love those kids of yours...and I am so thankful that in the ups and downs of life you are within driving distance now! :)
Love being your sister!
Love you SBG!
Always and still the LUCKY ONE!
Did you catch the MarketingTwins (Randy & Donny) dance a little with Tony Romo? Gotta see it!
Happy Anniversry, sweet friend! In some ways it's hard to believe it's been 13, but in other ways there has been alot of life lived in those years to make it seem double! Love you!
Beth, I know what you mean about those years seeming like they should count double...we used to say our time in Benin should have been counted in dog years...seven for every one we spent there! If that were true we were there for 56 years!!
They were great hard years I would not trade for anything..days packed in with LIFE!
Thanks for the kind words!
Blessings Friends!
Your union has blessed our family in a multitude of ways. Seeing the devotion that you all have to each other and to your children and to our Lord is inspiring. You are such an enourager and so very loved. Happy happy anniversary. I am so thankful that you all realize the blessing of your chilren while they are young. So many do not realize the blessing that the children bring until the children have lefy the nest. May God continue to bless you richly. jk
What a beautiful post, Kelly! You have beautiful children and a wonderful husband and God is being so faithful to you. Thank you for sharing your hope in Him as He leads you through the valleys and over the mountaintops. Praying for you today. May His peace be yours in Christ Jesus!
You both are such an example of true love to me. I love to see your family! The picture of the kids is so precious! I love them so very much! Hugs!
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