Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Vaughn Christmas Fun

Talking with Santa at the Gaylord Hotel

My precious Mother in-law and sweet sister in-law Kendra!

Kendra and I married well!
VFC is planned in great detail with lots of fun and sentimental memories every year. Kendra and I both have more spontaneous go with the flow personalities but I know that I can speak for both of us when I say that a Vaughn Christmas is one that we truly look forward to and completely enjoy. This year we played games, read Twas the Night Before Christmas and passed around presents in the midst of crazy kid caos!(Saturday was spent at our new house!) We did a fun Chinese Christmas gift exchange, shared meals together, went to Saturday night church, and went driving around looking at Christmas lights...that was SO fun! Sunday we met at the Gaylord Hotel and spent almost the entire morning there. We then spent the remainder of the day at Donny and Kendra's house...naps, fun, great conversations and more presents!!! We went home very tired and with very thankful hearts.....It can not be emphasized enough how wonderful it is to be here in America to fully participate in the holidays with our family this year....Thank you Lord!

1 comment:

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

It was a great weekend!! Always something I look forward to is VFC each year. Can't believe it's been 15 years we've been doing this. Some of the traditions have been going on since Year 1 (the family photo) while other new ones have developed over time. We certainly missed our Lubbock crew and hope that we can all be together for VFC 2008 wherever it's held. My kids are starting to understand that VFC is very special and they are remember the traditions (from what we did last year to this year) and that's a great feeling for me!! I think with all these comments, I should probably blog about this on my own blog!! HA (Sorry to take up so much space!!)

Love VFC and the entire Vaughn Family!!