Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Anyone know a repairman?

My husband is brilliant! Before we moved to Africa, I knew that Randy was a very smart man.  He works hard and he is able to discipline his mind to accomplish a complex task. Living in a remote town in the African bush presents many challenges.  One of those challenges is that when things break down, for example your DVD player or VCR, your stereo, your fridge, or your washing machine….there is no number to call, no handy repairman who can come, and there is no Best Buy where any of the above mentioned can be replaced.  All of the above mentioned items have broken down multiple times and have caused our family certain levels of stress. On many occasions Randy has been able to take apart what has been broken and repair it himself…..Amazing!

Randy has had no previous training in repairing any of these items.  He just is keenly aware of our options and sets his mind to figure things out.  Two weeks ago our washing machine quit working. This was a major stress. With 4 kids and one precious 2 year old in the midst of potty training, we have dearly missed this machine. It has also somewhat complicated matters that the water has been off for all but a few hours of these past 2 weeks. (Sossa has been hand washing our clothes in the meantime.)

Randy has been very busy the past week with lesson preparations and meetings. Yesterday was his first day off in a long time and rest, although greatly needed and desired, was not on his agenda.  His task was to discover the problem and repair our washer if at all possible. He worked for most of the day taking it apart, studying it, and putting it back together…..and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How did he do that? He is brilliant and I am so proud of him. I am so thankful for his willingness to get back there and take on a task that he has never attempted before. He has certainly inspired our confidence in him! (we were not lacking any in the first place)  I love knowing that this is the example that is before my children every day.

The water has been on for almost 24 hours straight…that is the most it has been on in a very long time….and we have been doing laundry!!!

Thank you Randy!

I love you!

1 comment:

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

I'm not sure if I'm more impressed with Randy's ability or the fact that the water has been on for 24 hours straight!! Both are blessings for sure. Tell Randy that he shouldn't stress about "re-entry" funds because his vocational skills will set you guys up nicely once you return!! :)