Monday, February 27, 2006

We had our monthly leadership meeting Saturday. At the end of each meeting, Kelly and our long-time friend, Louise, serve the men a meal. This was the spread just before assembling all the plates...rice and fish (heads in the pot to the right of the rice)..and lots of "toppings"...most of which are too spicy for my taste. Tori and Timothy love to help serve the meals...Timo however loves to dig into the bowl of onions and tomatoes more than anything! Posted by Picasa


Kendra said...

Oh ick. Fish heads in a bowl all together . . .I'm assuming that means people EAT them. Oh wow. Thanks, but I think I'll take my Mexican food instead. I'm with Timo in the tomatoe and onion bowl!

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

hey tomatoes huh !
He's gonna be one macho cowboy
Remembered my childhood, when i would eat tomatoes like this !