Friday, December 29, 2006

Some Fun with the Leadership

This is picture of some of the men who make up our organziational and leadership committee (not all were present). They had gathered at my house for a meeting among themselves to review 2006 and start plans for '07! So while in the holiday season, Kelly and I took the opportunity to bless these good men for their service in the Kingdom. We served a huge platter of cookies and more Cokes than they could drink! They loved it. I am thankful for my relationship with several of these guys whom I know very well. Yaovi (red shirt) is from Aflantan, the first church I planted back in 2000. He is now the President of the organizational commmittee; I appreciate so much his leadership and see the respect he has earned from his peers. Senou is next to him (purple shirt) and is a man with a passion for sharing Christ. He lives just 50 yards from us so we see him often. Of course, you will all recognize Ega in the background. He and Senou are both from the Kaiteme congregation (started the year before my arrival by Greg Bailey in 1998). These 3 men are some of my favorite friends to visit with (I can have favorites, can't I?) Seriously, I have alot of respect for all these Aja believers, and an even greater amount of appreciation for those who rise to leadership. Leading others in a land engulfed in darkness takes courage, vision, and hope. Leading also requires lots of sacrifice! These men give so much of their time to the Lord's work! May God richly bless them all!

1 comment:

Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

What a feast !! Sounds like a great group of men that God has assembled there!