Friday, February 23, 2007

We had another great day yesterday as we visited an orphanage called Village of Hope just outside of Azove. We were so blessed and inspired by the children there and those that are caring for them. We had collected toys from our own home and we bought 6 soccer balls on the way and we took them all to the children. Our kids really were enthralled by the children as they came out and welcomed us with songs and dancing. We took a tour of their compound with the Director, viewed their school and Randy and I both had the opportunity to speak to the children and their caretakers. Tori lead us all in "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and Becky prayed for everyone at the end before we presented our gifts. The children were very responsive and we were so blessed to be there. Tori asked if we could return often so that she could start playing with these sweet kids. She was especially excited to meet some little girls her age.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Neat, neat, neat! Thanks for sharing . . I love hearing the stories and seeing all the pictures.