Friday, March 30, 2007

Getting back to OUR normal

Life is returning to normal around the Vaughn house, at least for this Mommy! For most of this week we have been without power and water. Today we spent most of the day outside enjoying some cool rain and cool breezes. These 4 kids are so much fun! You "Come Before Winter girls" may recognize the hats in these pictures from our Texas party last Thursday night! I was so glad to snag 4 of these and put them in my carry on luggage. The kids have been wearing them constantly ever since I handed them over! My other luggage did not make it to Cotonou with me Monday. Thankfully it did arrive on the Wednesday night flight. Randy retrieved the bag for me today when he went to Cotonou! Tonight I have had fun unpacking all the goodies I received last week in East Africa. I am hoping to post tomorrow more details about my wonderful experience!

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