Monday, March 12, 2007

Daddy Boot Camp 2007 - Day 1

Here's the 2007 DBC Logo (and T-shirt design).
Same as last year's, but new pics!

(The verse is a paraphrase from Exodus 15.2; last year, we even put it to song, so Tori was excited to dust off the ol' DBC theme song and teach it to Timo who seems to have no recollection from '06)

For fun, here's the pics from '06:

Now a closer look at '07:


Today's sport was archery!! Tori has hounded me for months to let her get out her bow and arrow (we prefer adult supervision!) Today, she was so excited to hear it was going to be the first sport of DBC! She and Timo both got pretty close to bullseye!!


Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

Love the photo comparisons !! Love DBC '07 - nothing wrong with keeping the logo the same... Hello, can you say "New Coke" ?? - some things are best left alone.

Can wait til I get to hug all 4 of these guys! They are all so cute.

Kelly Vaughn said...

YEA for Daddy Boot Camp!
Glad to see these pictures!
I am enjoying my Mommy boot camp too!

Love you all so much!
Next communication from me will be in East Africa!

Gandmother loves you all too!