One week ago tonight I returned here to our home in Aplahoue, Benin and my best friend and dear husband took his turn flying to America. If you have had a chance to follow our blog this week you know that he has had a sweet reunion with Tori and Timothy and they have had a wonderful week with his family. Today they are on the road and headed to Fort Worth where they will spend the remainder of their time before returning to me on November 17! Still seems a far way off. I pray it passes quickly for me and slow for them!
I have had a great week with Jonathan and Lael. We are having a great time together and I am getting lots of love, hugs and kisses! Oh they are so precious!! I have also finished 3 books and I am participating in a 30 hour course through the Center for Biblical Counseling by video. It is called Extraordinary Woman, Equipping for Ministry. I have been doing one hour in the morning (during their nap time) and the other at night when the kids are asleep. I am really enjoying the different speakers and the variety of topics. I would love to be involved in Women’s ministry and I have so much to learn. One of the things that I truly look forward to and so eagerly anticipate is the opportunity to serve and minister to others in my own language. My heart literally jumps at the thought! I don’t know what the Lord has waiting for me but I want to be ready!
For those of you who may be wondering about the mouse…I found him this afternoon…dead!!! What a relief! Mr. Mouse had really caused me some anxiety last week and although I could see the humor in the situation, I was really having a hard time relaxing! Laurance and I had turned this house upside down trying to find the mouse or at least his trail and were coming up with nothing! Yet every night after Laurance would leave, I would see the mouse. It was truly comical Friday night when not 10 minutes after Laurance and Sossa had left; I heard a mousy sound right beside me. I was on the couch and there was a basket of toys right behind me. Suddenly the musical toys began singing their songs. I sat up and looked at the basket and there was Mr. Mouse climbing out of the basket. He went right in front of me and went straight down the hall. Sossa had prepared a little something for Mr. Mouse to eat should he desire one last meal! Apparently he had a bite and that was all it took!
I am so thankful for the emails and phone calls that I have received this week! I have been so encouraged and blessed! Thank you for your specific prayers for our family all the time, but especially now while we are separated. We miss each other so much!
I want to close with an excerpt from “
The Power of a Praying Parent” that I came across yesterday and it really blessed me. Praying this is an encouragement to you too.
The joy of the Lord is rich and deep and causes anyone who walks in it to be likewise. That's because joy doesn't have anything to do with happy circumstances; it has to do with looking into the face of God and knowing He's all we'll ever need.
Psalm 16:11
You will show me the path of life:
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Thank you Lord!!!